Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sew Little Time
Well hello again. As you can see I did not do very well in keeping up with my posts but I promise to try harder in the future. It sure has been a busy summer. As we say good-bye to the warm weather I welcome the cooler nights of Fall and a stepped up pace in my art career. I anxiously await the publication of my first (of many I hope) pattern in an upcoming issue of Quilting Arts Magazine. :-) Very exciting indeed. More about that later.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Sew little time, sew many things to sew. I've been saying repeatedly that it's time to get a blog spot up and running as an extension to the FiberArtTraders group, http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FiberArtTraders/messages Will I have time for both? Who knows, only time will tell but it's worth a shot. SEW hello fellow sewing blog readers, let's get stitching!