Sunday, December 02, 2012

More Magic Wallets

My Magic Card Case Wallets invention was published years ago in Quilting Arts and I still sell them by the dozen to galleries but on occasion I made them for individuals. Cecille has become a great customer recently placed another order for more for gift giving. I hope that she likes these.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Our grandson Liam is about to start loosing teeth so last night I made him a tooth fairy pillow to hang on his door. His sisters each got one but I had to make his a little more for a boy and without the frills. It has a pocket on the back for tooth and for the fairy to leave some cash. :-)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fiber art postcard for FAT

In my Fiber Art Traders group, my friend Diana Welte asked us to create a fiber art postcard that depicts something that we are grateful for. I am grateful for my home in the Seaside town of East Lyme, CT and my card depicts the seashore map along with a bathing beauty with the home and seagulls. I used both fabric and paper to make the card pictured here.

Monday, October 08, 2012

Another Breast Pocket

Another breast pocket for Melanie. Join me in helping Mel reach her goal:

Sunday, October 07, 2012

Mel's cause

A cause worth stitching for. Melanie Testa has put out the call for Breast Pockets, see her blog to find out the details. Here's my breast pocket for Mel, it's ready to mail and awaiting addressing!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Kumihimo Krazy

I've been bitten by the beading bug!!! It's small, it's portable and I love having little take along projects. Here are a few that I'll be putting up on Etsy (once I figure out just how to do that). These are all Kumihimo beaded bracelets.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Made a kumihimo bracelet for sweet Izzy to match the outfit that she made in fashion camp. Hope that she likes it. :-)

Friday, July 20, 2012

I've had another special order come in for a magic wallet. Here's what I made...

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

My sweet BFF Dee Dee and I went to a beading class today. We learned a stich called Kumihimo and both made a bracelett. Wish that I had gotten a pic of hers too it was awesome. I love how mine sparkles with gold crystal beads woven in with black matt beads. I can't wait to start on another one! Oh I feel a new addiction coming on. :-) It's difficult to get a photo but here's mine.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Had a wonderful time in my studio this week making things to send to the Pea Island Gallery in the Outer Banks (Salvo) NC. I love being a part of the culture down there, if not in person, than in my art endeavors. Here's some of the things that I created.

Magic wallets purse style.
More magic wallets with a "leash".
Small vacation journals.
Larger vacation journals that I call "Jump Start Journals".

If you happen to be in the OBX this summer stop by and say hi to Kimmie the gallery owner and tell her that I sent you. :-)

Monday, June 11, 2012

I got a phone call out of the blue the other day for an order of my magic wallets. Evidently the lady had been given one as a gift and found the business card that I leave inside. She decided to by four more for her friends and gave me her color choices. Normally I do gallery bulk orders but it was a thrill to talk to a recipient of one of my pieces. Here's what I came up with, hope that she likes them. :-)

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Well my little girl is officially an adult. She turned 21 yesterday. We ran out
of candles so we put two 5's (=10) plus 11 candles. Pretty clever huh?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Funny where inspiration comes from... I was painting a few flower buds from the garden in my journal after dinner the other night. I went to throw away the paper towel that I use to wipe my water brush on a low and behold there was an entire garden painted on it! I liked it so much I decided to try and duplicate the "garden" on a second page in my journal! Here's the proof.

Mom was right... I really do see the beauty in the garbage...

Thursday, February 02, 2012

A few new watercolors. Close-ups of the flowers in the bouquet that hubby got me. :-)

I made these for my sister-in-law to sew to the shirts for her and her business partners for their upcoming trade show.

Monday, January 02, 2012

Here's my two submissions for the Cloth Paper Scissors Post Challenge.