Thursday, January 17, 2008

Wow what a wonderful and amazing surprise... Quilting Arts published my article early! This is my third article with them, the other two appeared in the QA Magazine. This one is called, "Trade Secrets" and is in their Embellishments E-Newsletter. It's all about running an Internet Trading group and the secrets that make it run smoothly. Of course my inspiration for this is my own group Fiber Art Traders, I'm grateful that Quilting Arts has allowed me to share my enthusiasm about Internet trading with their artistic community. The enrollment at F.A.T. has been incredible in the last 24 hours. Thank goodness I have some terrific helps on the group!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Well, my inner child hasn't had much time to come out and blog because I've been too busy in my other writing endeavours. Quilting Arts magazine has accepted another one of my articles and it will appear in their online e-newsletter version called, Embellishments. I love writing for QA and I seem to have found a real home there. As you know, I've been an avid fan of their magazine for years and to see my name in print with them is such a thrill. :-) Here's the web addy to sign up if you are interested:

Thanks for tuning in. I'll try to be a better blogger this year.

Hugs, Nj